Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Have you ever been to Drumheller?

Hi! Everyone! You guys have already known the place. Is it right? Did you go to Drumheller last Friday? At first, I didn’t expect to go to Drumheller because dinosaurs are so boring to me. When I was a child, I’ve been to dinosaur museum too many times. So, frankly speaking, I didn’t want to go there. Just at first!!

Some classmates know that my hobby is taking photos. So, when I went to Drumheller, I could see awesome landscape. I preferred the landscape than the skeleton dinosaurs. So, I took many photos - approximately three-hundred-photo. I want to show you this awesome landscape. This is the one of many fabulous photos. Do you remember this place? I can't remember the name very well. Maybe, it is the Horsefeet. However, I'm not sure that. Anyway, the name is not important! The important thing is the landscape which was given by God. So, I always thank to God who give us wonderful landscape. Ah!! if you guys want to see big size photo, Click!!!! this picture. ^^


Linda said...

Is it awesome??
I haven't ever been to there.
your picture is very good.
I want to go there because of your picture.
I regret I didn't go there.
haha your picture is good!!

Kristi said...

I'm ashamed to say that I've never been there! You must be thinking "Why?" Like you, I have no interest in dinosaurs or their bones. But now that you mention the beautiful landscapes, I think I should check it out. Thanks for including the picture!!